Real-Yield Rewards
The Libertas Treasury generates ETH native token rewards (real-yield). Let’s start with a simple example: For this example, we will consider the transaction of $50.00 Sell & $50.00 buy.
5% of the selling tax & 6% of the buying tax will enter the Libertas Treasury, i.e.
($50.00)(0.05) + ($50.00)(0.06) —--------------------> Libertas Treasury
$2.50 + $3.00 —--------------------> Libertas Treasury
$5.50 —--------------------> Libertas Treasury
Note: The Libertas Treasury allocation will be converted into ETH before entering the Libertas Treasury; hence there will not be an influx of $5.50 worth of ETH that has entered the Libertas Treasury. Now, 0.0.1375$ worth of ETH will be the amount allocated and distributed as yield rewards from that one transaction.
For this reward structure, there are 2 factors to consider
Staking pool options. (30 days staking, 60 days, 90 days, etc)
Snapshot at the time of staking which records the amount in $ value of $XLB staked in the staking pool.
If Libertas treasury has 1000 ETH, then the daily yield rewards would be:
1000 ETH * 10% /365 = 0.27 ETH
1000 ETH is the ETH collected in the Libertas treasury,
10% is the percentage of yield shared over one year.
Below is the fixed % reward structure based on the staking pool.
| Days | Reward - (based on treasury payouts) | Annualized Reward |
Staking Option #1 | 30 | 0.50% | 6.26% |
Staking Option #2 | 60 | 1.10% | 6.88% |
Staking Option #3 | 90 | 1.90% | 7.93% |
Staking Option #4 | 180 | 4% | 8.28% |
Staking Option #5 | 365 | 10% | 10.00% |
The annualized rewards are weighted in such a way that it rewards long-term stakers.
Now, adding the total value locked in every staking pool,
| Days | Reward - (based on treasury payouts) | Annualized Reward | Initial amount locked (TVL) |
Staking Option #1 | 30 | 0.50% | 6.26% | $1,027.00 |
Staking Option #2 | 60 | 1.10% | 6.88% | $122.00 |
Staking Option #3 | 90 | 1.90% | 7.93% | $264.00 |
Staking Option #4 | 180 | 4% | 8.28% | $172.00 |
Staking Option #5 | 365 | 10% | 10.00% | $387.00 |
From the additional column (initial amount locked definition: $ values denoting the total value locked in each pool), the initial amount locked is not equal among the 5 staking pools purposefully to show the difference in reward distribution.
| Initial amount locked (TVL) | Annualized Reward | Annualized Reward * Initial amount locked | Weight (annualized reward by pool/ Total annualized rewards) | Amount Paid (ETH) DAILY per staking pool option |
Staking Option #1 | $1,027 | 6.26% | $64.25 | 43.85% | 0.120135039 |
Staking Option #2 | $122 | 6.88% | $8.40 | 5.73% | 0.015698045 |
Staking Option #3 | $264 | 7.93% | $20.94 | 14.29% | 0.039155507 |
Staking Option #4 | $172 | 8.28% | $14.24 | 9.72% | 0.026622343 |
Staking Option #5 | $387 | 10.00% | $38.70 | 26.41% | 0.072361669 |
The rewards will be distributed according to each staking pool's $XLB staked (weight).
Last updated